不管您在那一個行業, 每個想做好事情的人都會有這個感覺. 感覺千百斤重的責任扛在肩膀, 但是卻被綁手綁腳的約束著, 無法發揮自己的才能/,無法好好實行滿腦子的策略/計劃,同時也警覺身邊好多人在用看好戲,有色眼光,判定心態來觀察著自己。 Maybe you have dreams and desires, but you don't feel like you have the right connections. Or maybe you feel like you were not given the authority/resources. It's tempting to think, “I'm limited to the system that I'm in. Should I confine my ability to the system so that others feel comfortable?”
Never never let others judge your ability. Just continue doing what is in your heart. You have not seen your best days yet. No matter where you are in life, no matter what environment you're in, no matter how impossible others may say. Just keep doing the right thing, at least you are doing what makes your everyday fulfilled! You dream and principle will take you way beyond the system. Let us achieve our victory daily while we anticipate bigger victory in future.
Just Do our best today!